Tummy Tuck Risks and Safety Information

Tummy Tuck Risks and Safety Information | Houston Plastic SurgerySome amount of risk is involved in any cosmetic surgery procedure, including tummy tuck. The surgeon will inform the patient about the potential risks during the initial consultation to help them make an informed decision. A skilled surgeon will be able to minimize risk by adhering to the most remarkable safety protocols.
Highly experienced, sensational, and board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide tummy tuck and various other procedures using advanced surgical techniques. The ACPS provides tummy tuck to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Tummy Tuck Risks

Some of the common risks that are associated with abdominoplasty include:
Poor Anesthesia Reaction
Tummy tuck will usually be performed with the patient under general anesthesia, which entails a higher risk than local anesthesia. Adverse reaction to general anesthesia may occur in rare situations. An experienced anesthesiologist will be able to detect the problem early before it complicates, and minimize the risk.
Blood Clot Formation
Following tummy tuck plastic surgery, blood clots may form inside a blood vessel. This is a rare occurrence, but it can complicate the blood flow. Patients who follow the surgeon’s pre- and post-operative care instructions diligently will be able to minimize this risk. Compression garment around the waist and mild post-operative exercises can improve blood flow and cut the risk of clotting.
Infection risks are the highest during and immediately after the tummy tuck procedure. The operating room should be completely clean and sterile to reduce the risk. Proper wound care is required after the surgery in order to mitigate post-operative infection risk. The patient should carefully follow the surgeon’s advice regarding wetting the wound or removing and changing bandages.
Seroma formation or collection of fluid between the skin flap and the muscle layer may occur after tummy tuck surgery. This can lead to infection. The surgeon will minimize this risk by placing drains below the incision areas. The patient will have to following instructions regarding measuring and emptying the drain every day until they are removed.
Delayed Healing
It can take up to four to six weeks until the bruising, swell and pain in the treated areas subside completely. However, if the patient continues to experience these symptoms beyond this stage, it may be termed delayed healing. Irregular healing may sometimes cause skin loss. Scarring in such patients is likely to be higher. The ACPS cosmetic surgeons receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for tummy tuck surgery.

Temporary Side Effects

The patient should expect certain mild side effects following tummy tuck, but these are not serious complications. These effects usually disappear by themselves in a few days. A common side effect is swelling, which can be improved with an abdominal binder or a compression garment.
Pain meds can be used to manage post-surgical pain in the first few days as prescribed by the surgeon. Bruising will usually subside in about two weeks after surgery. If the patient notices abnormal, severe, or persisting symptoms, they should get in touch with the surgeon for medical attention.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.