The Nonsurgical Liquid Facelift at The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery

What is a liquid nonsurgical facelift?Shawna_liquid facelift

A liquid facelift combines cosmetic injectable fillers and wrinkle relaxers such as BOTOX® and Dysport® to diminish lines and resore more youthful contours to give the face a more youthful, refreshed  look.

Who is a candidate for a liquid nonsurgical facelift?

Prior to treatment, many of our liquid facelift patients comment that they look more tired and aged than they feel. In part, this is because facial skin becomes less elastic and supple as we age. This leads to fine lines around the eyes, between the brows and along the forehead. In addition, the loss of facial fat typically creates hollowness beneath the eyes and the temples and makes the cheeks flatter. All of these factors contribute to sagging of the face and its features. If you are noticing any of these signs and would like to improve them, you may be an excellent candidate for a liquid facelift.

What is the difference between a liquid nonsurgical facelift and a surgical facelift?

A liquid facelift improves wrinkles and volume loss via nonsurgical cosmetic injectables. With a surgical facelift, ACPS surgeons tighten the underlying muscles and remove excess skin to give the face and neck a smoother, lifted appearance and more ideal contours. In addition, they may incorporate fat grafting to restore fullness to hollow and flattened regions such as the cheeks and lower lids. A surgical facelift generally provides more extensive long-lasting improvement. The right procedure for each person depends on factors such as the degree of skin laxity and wrinkles present and the level of rejuvenation that is desired. By assessing these details, our surgeons and nurses can recommend the best options for you. Many of our patients combine nonsurgical cosmetic injectable treatments with surgical facial rejuvenation to achieve the look they desire. For example, a patient may opt to do a facelift, necklift and eyelid surgery in conjunction with a cosmetic injectable filler to improve the contour and fullness of their lips.

Liquid Facelift Before and After Photos

In the before and after photos above,  ACPS nurse injector Heidi Fell, RN, achieved these exceptional results through the following treatment plan:

  • Botox/Dysport to lift heavy brows and diminish lines around the eyes, between the brows, and along the forehead
  • Restylane Lyft (2 syringes) to add volume to the cheeks and fill in the nasolabial folds
  • Sculptra (4 vials total spaced between 3 treatments, 6 weeks apart) to give her softer more youthful facial contours
  • Ulthera laser skin rejuvenation—treated full face to improve skin laxity

Nurse Heidi Fell said,  “When Shawna came in to see me, her main concerns were her heavy brows and eyelids. She felt that she appeared tired, and she wanted to look refreshed. Initially, she was hesitant to have filler injected because she wanted to look natural and was concerned about looking ‘overdone.’ So I made the improvements gradually over a series of appointments. We started with Botox and Ulthera and later added fillers and Sculptra to treat the rest of her face. I’m pleased she’s happy with the results.