Questions to Ask Your Breast Reduction Surgeon

Questions to Ask Your Breast Reduction Surgeon | Houston Plastic SurgeryBreast reduction cosmetic surgery is a major procedure, and the patient should make a judicious decision after considering all aspects and clarifying all concerns and doubts with the surgeon. A responsible surgeon will take the time to satisfy the patient’s concerns with accurate and comprehensive answers to all her questions.
Committed board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast reduction to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities and suburbs in The Lone Star State.

Questions to Ask

Here is a list of the probable questions that a patient should ask during the pre-op consultation for breast reduction surgery:

  • Are you board certified in plastic surgery, and if yes, from which board?
  • How many years of training and experience do you have in performing various cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures?
  • Do I make a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?
  • What kind of surgical technique and incision would you recommend for my surgery?
  • Will you perform the procedure using general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia?
  • What will be the expected duration of the surgery?
  • Will breast reduction surgery also address the pain and discomfort in my back, neck and shoulders that I experience at times?
  • Will I be able to wear tight clothes or swimwear following breast reduction?
  • What kind of precautions should I take prior to the surgery and during the recovery?
  • Would you suggest breast reduction along with breast lift as a better solution in my case?
  • Can a less invasive liposuction procedure help to meet my aesthetic goals for my breasts?
  • What are the typical risks and complications associated with breast reduction?
  • How many days would I need for recovery after the surgery?
  • Will I require additional help at home during the initial days of recovery?
  • When will you remove the sutures and drains following the surgery?
  • When can I resume my normal routine or go back to my workplace?
  • Will breast reduction affect my future pregnancy, if any?
  • Will I be able to breastfeed in the future?
  • Can you show me breast reduction before and after photos of previous patients?
  • Can I speak with one of your staff members to learn more about your practice?
  • Would you have a video of the breast reduction surgery or before and after photos?  
  • What would happen in case I am not satisfied with the results of breast reduction, or if a revision procedure is necessary?
  • Will I need to re-schedule my current medications or herbal pills prior to breast reduction surgery?

The surgeon will usually address most of these questions from their own side during the initial consultation process. The surgeon will also discuss the estimated cost of the procedure, and the possibilities of insurance coverage and financing options.
When the patient’s questions are adequately addressed, they are in a good position to make a well-informed decision about breast reduction. Considerate cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas across the landscape in this region of the country for breast reduction surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.