How to Prepare For Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction) Surgery

Preparing For Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction) Surgery | HoustonMale breast reduction plastic surgery, or gynecomastia, is a procedure meant to eliminate excess tissue from a man’s chest region to develop a more masculine upper body shape. Thorough preparation should precede the procedure to accomplish safe and desirable results.
A patient who is well-prepared will feel more confident about the procedure, increasing his chances of a smooth surgery and fast recovery. Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide male breast reduction to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Instructions for Preparation

The basic guidelines below will enable the patient to prepare well ahead of their gynecomastia surgery:

  • Arrange for previous health records to be sent from the doctor and specialists directly to the surgeon’s office.
  • Enlist all medications, including blood-thinners and NSAIDs, prescription medications, herbal supplements, and vitamins that the patient may be presently taking. 
  • Get any x-rays or other tests done as directed by the surgeon.
  • In case the surgeon needs to alter the patient’s schedule of prescription drugs, have him speak to the prescribing doctor.
  • Discontinue smoking for at least two to three weeks before the surgery, or as instructed by the surgeon.
  • Complete any pressing household or work-related tasks well in advance of the procedure to enjoy a relaxed recovery period.
  • Arrange for a friend, family member, or caregiver to provide assistance during the initial 48 hours after the surgery, if possible. 
  • Enlist someone to drive the patient back home after the procedure. 

Patients who follow the surgeon’s advice for preparation in a diligent manner will benefit from a safer surgery and quicker recovery. 

Care Guidelines

Common guidelines for the patient to prepare for gynecomastia cosmetic surgery include the following:

  • Avoid the use of ibuprofen, aspirin, and other such NSAIDs for at least ten days prior to the surgery.
  • Discontinue the use of vitamin E and vitamin C supplements, homeopathic and herbal remedies or dietary supplements for 15 days prior to the surgery. 
  • On the day of the procedure, do not wear body piercings, accessories, or contact lenses. 
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing, and shoes on the day of the male breast reduction surgery. Front-open tops and loose pants or shorts are preferable.
  • Do not consume alcohol for a minimum of 24 hours prior to the surgery.
  • Avoid eating or drinking anything for eight hours prior to the surgery.
  • Diabetic patients should have their condition reviewed on the morning of the procedure. 

Many patients have mild pre-op anxiety on the night prior to the surgery, which is understandable. The surgeon may prescribe calming meds to be taken for a good night’s sleep. If the patient has any last minute questions, he should unhesitatingly clarify with the surgeon before they proceed to the surgery room for the male breast reduction procedure. 
Cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for male breast reduction.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.
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