Questions to Ask Your Rhinoplasty Surgeon

shutterstock_92376865Rhinoplasty is one of the popular cosmetic surgery procedures today in the US. At the time of pre-operative rhinoplasty consultation, the patient will have an opportunity to ask questions and clear any concerns or doubts that they may have.
Patients who have complete clarity and information can make a better decision about nose surgery, and are often able to appreciate the final results better and achieve higher personal satisfaction.
The Aesthetic Center of Plastic Surgery (ACPS), led by board certified plastic surgeons, provides rhinoplasty and various other cosmetic procedures. The ACPS surgeons provide nose surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities in this area of the unparalleled and amazing state of Texas.

Are you board certified in plastic surgery?

An intricate plastic surgery procedure such as rhinoplasty should ideally be performed by a fully trained and board certified plastic surgeon. These surgeons typically invest in high quality standards and best practices, adopt cutting edge surgical techniques, pursue continuing education, and follow the latest safety protocols to ensure best possible outcomes for their patients.

Have you previously performed rhinoplasty?

In an extensive field such as plastic surgery, some surgeons may only focus on breast and body procedure, but may not have much experience in facial surgeries such as rhinoplasty. To achieve best outcomes, the patient should preferably select a surgeon who has performed rhinoplasty in the past and has a successful track record in such procedures.

Would you recommend open or closed rhinoplasty in my case?

The surgeon should be well-versed to perform both open and closed rhinoplasty procedures, depending on the patient’s unique requirements. Based on the patient’s cosmetic goals and their nasal anatomy, the surgeon will recommend whether open or closed technique may be more appropriate in their case.

How much would it cost me to undergo a rhinoplasty at your practice?

Rhinoplasty is typically performed as an elective aesthetic surgery, and insurance may not cover the costs. Therefore, it becomes important for a patient to have a clear idea of how much the procedure will cost them, so that they can make a well-considered decision.

What are the risks and complications involved in rhinoplasty?

Some amount of risk is inevitable in any surgical procedure, including nose surgery. The patient should know at the outset what are the potential risks and side effects generally associated with a surgery as well as any risks that are specific to rhinoplasty. This will enable them to do a risk-benefit analysis and make a judicious choice.

How long and painful will be the recovery?

Recovery is a vital component in the overall nose surgery process. The patient should have a clear idea of the estimated downtime involved, and when they can expect the full results to become visible. Working people can schedule their surgery during a period when they are able to take at least one week off post-operatively to recover at home.
During the consultation, the patient may also request for rhinoplasty before and after pictures and testimonials of past patients. Accomplished cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and other neighborhoods and cities in this area of this stellar state for rhinoplasty.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.