Liposuction Surgery Procedure Steps

Liposuction Surgery Procedure Steps | Houston Plastic Surgery | KatyAdvancements in surgical techniques have made liposuction a less invasive and more precise cosmetic surgery procedure over the years. The procedure can be performed in a single or multiple areas, and may also be combined with other surgical or non-surgical procedures. Various techniques are available to perform liposuction, but the basic steps in the procedure largely remain unchanged in each case.
During the pre-op consultation, the surgeon will explain all the procedure steps involved in liposuction, and help the patient get relieved of some of their pre-surgery anxiety. A well-aware patient will be more confident and can make more rational decisions. Board certified plastic surgeons at ACPS provide liposuction to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.


Liposuction may be performed using general or local anesthesia with sedation, but with innovative surgical techniques it is usually possible to avoid the need for general anesthesia. Laser, ultrasound, or RF assisted liposuction will be less invasive and may be performed with the patient under local anesthesia.
Tumescent liposuction plastic surgery is a popular technique used nowadays. This technique involves smaller incisions, and can be performed using only local anesthesia. However, each individual case is different, and the final decision on anesthesia will be taken after reviewing the amount of fat to be removed and other factors.

Incision Placement

Following anesthesia, small incisions will be placed in the targeted sites where the stubborn fat deposits need to be removed. The size of the incisions may typically vary from a quarter to a third of an inch. A skilled surgeon will place the incisions in discreet locations to minimize subsequent scarring and create optimal outcomes in a less invasive manner.
Patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas have an opportunity to receive liposuction and various other procedures from experienced cosmetic surgeons at ACPS.

Fat Tissue Removal

Through the incisions, the surgeon will insert a slim cannula to remove the unwanted, stubborn fat cells. As the cannula goes into the deeper layers of fat, the surgeon will gently manipulate it back and forth to dislodge the fat cells. Once the fats are displaced, a pump attached to the other end of the cannula will suction out the fat.
Laser, ultrasound or RF techniques may be used in some cases to liquefy the fat cells with a controlled, precise thermal process. This allows for less aggressive removal of the targeted fat tissue because liquefied fat is easier to remove. During the process, the patient will be given replacement fluids through IV to compensate for any blood and fluid loss while the fat is removed.

Incision Closure

Once the liposuction procedure is over, the surgeon will carefully close the incisions with sutures. Temporary drain tubes may be placed below the skin in incision areas to collect excess fluid. In about a week to 10 days, the drains and sutures will be removed.
If liposuction is performed in combination with other surgeries such as tummy tuck, mommy makeover or body lift, a few additional steps will be involved in the procedure.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery(ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.