Get a Brazilian Butt Lift Using Your Own Fat

Get a Brazilian Butt Lift Using Your Own FatPatients who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their buttocks because of the shape or size, or the presence of lax skin, can improve their figures through a Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery procedure. This surgery may also be a good option for individuals who have lost weight and feel that their buttocks do not have an ideal shape.
Brazilian butt lift is ideal for people who want to enhance the appearance of their buttocks in a subtle, less invasive manner. Astute board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide this surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities in the majestic state of Texas.

Brazilian Butt Lift with Liposuction

The butt lift procedure is highly sought-after as it requires only tiny incisions while offering patients a perkier backside.
The surgeon will sculpt the patient’s rear-side using liposuction during a Brazilian butt lift procedure. They will take out the stubborn, undesirable pockets of fat from other locations such as the abdomen or thighs, purify them, and subsequently inject them into the patient’s buttocks.
While adding volume can help the buttocks appear lifted and more youthful, it cannot address surplus, sagging skin. Individuals who have lost a major amount of weight may require a lower body lift or a traditional butt lift. After that, the patient can choose to get a fat transfer.

Surgical Procedure

The Brazilian butt lift plastic surgery involves fat removal from areas of the body such as hips, back, abdomen, and thighs via liposuction. In this process, the surgeon places tiny incisions in the location with surplus fat and inserts a small tube.
Then they will use vibration, manual motion, bursts or air, ultrasonic waves or lasers to dissolve the deposits of fat before they gently aspirate these. The surgeon will typically perform the liposuction under local anesthesia. However, they may recommend sedation or general anesthesia if the fat removal is significant or the patient is nervous about the procedure.
The fats cells are purified after removal using a centrifuge. The surgeon will use only the best tissue for injecting the buttocks using small cannulas (tubes) at multiple depths to create a natural appearance and feel.
The depth, amount, and the number of injections are dependent on the surgeon’s specific techniques as well as the patient’s expectations. In general, a large number of smaller injections offer more natural-looking outcomes.
This phase of the surgical process usually requires only local anesthesia. However, the surgeon may use sedation or general anesthesia if the need arises. The outcome is a fuller, rounder backside that appears natural. This natural appearance is since this surgery uses the patient’s own tissue rather than synthetic fillers or butt implants. This procedure can typically be finished in about two hours.

Brazilian Butt Lift Benefits

The aesthetic advantages of this surgical procedure include:

  • A natural look and reduced risk of rejection relative to fillers and implants which can also be used to enhance the shape and size of buttocks.
  • Removal of fat deposits from other areas of the body to plump the rear. Several patients undergo liposuction in the abdomen to remove fat pockets to enhance their figures further.
  • The Brazilian butt lift is less invasive than traditional butt lift surgery or butt implants.

Sagacious cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and other cities and towns in this part of the southwest for Brazilian butt lift surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.